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St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated around the world on 14 February. It's a day when the importance of love in any of its many forms is celebrated. Some consider it a commercial festival but it actually has a history going back centuries. In third century Rome, Valentine was a priest sentenced to death for secretly officiating the weddings of young lovers. Valentine’s Day could be the most special day of the year, but it can also become a headache for those with no idea how to surprise that someone special. . It is possible to celebrate this date without material presentsor worrying about wrapping paper or a greetings card. A good option is to gift experiences to be shared as a couple or with friends or family to create special memories..

Thinking about getting married and don’t know how to organise the special day and how much time in advance you need? Don’t worry, we’ll let you know step by step for a year beforehand to plan a big day that’s 10 out of 10. You’re finally taking the plunge! When a couple make a decision to marry, there are lots of things to organise. The important thing is to think about all the effort invested bearing fruit so that the most important day of your lives is special and has your own personal style. Here at Nice by Nina, we’ll show you a definitive calendar with all the tasks to be done over the course of the countdown to the big day. But remember you’re not alone, if you don’t know where to start, contact us and we’ll talk you through the process.

When it comes to organising an event it's important to leave nothing to improvisation. At Nice by Nina, one of our maxims for event organisation is that planning makes perfect.. Within the planning of an event, production is an essential aspect. The production of the event encompasses all the management ahead of the event, with the aim of preparing all the resources need to execute it. It covers the logistics part of the event from the smallest details to most important. If you want your event to be a success it is important to establish the specific needs from the outset and calculate and anticipate the costs.

Selecting the best providers for your event is crucially important; they're the ones who’ll be responsible for making sure nothing is left to chance and everything is perfect. However, not everyone is aware of this and some people just hire the provider offering the cheapest service. If you want to know why it’s so important and find out our advice to choose the best, keep reading! A good provider is someone who will guarantee a really good service or product and who can also resolve any emergency that arises at your event. Without a good provider, your events could end up being a failure.Can you imagine hiring a furniture provider for your company’s event and they never show up something is damaged when you receive it? All your efforts will be in vain.